UH Access: Log into UH Portal

Access Portal Now

The UH access serves a tasks of managing the various academics, financial, and perform the process with advanced features. To sign into UH access account, enter the CougarNet ID and password to perform the important university related tasks.

How to sign into UH access? Step-by-step Guide

Access the full range of UH access with the simple login and check out quick steps to manage activities:

  1. Visit the UH access portal.
  2. Enter your CougarNet Credentials: CougarNet username and password.
  3. Select the Sign In option.

Register for UH Access Account

If you're a new user, follow the instructions to activate your CougarNet account:

  1. Access the UH login Dashboard and activate your account.
  2. Fill the fields with your personal information such as student ID or employee number (depending on your status).
  3. To verify your details, it will send the verification code on registered email address.
  4. Create a strong Password for securing your UH account.
  5. Find links to all the services and tools available to you based on your role (student, faculty, or staff).

Access for Career Planning: UHC Portal

Career Services
Explore job listings, attend career fairs, and access resources to help with resume building and interview preparation.

Academic Advising
Easily schedule advising appointments with their academic advisors through UH Access, ensuring they stay on track with their degree plan.

Internships and Research Opportunities
Connects with internship programs, research opportunities, and co-op options that complement your academic pursuits.